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Student Class Playlist Example

  • Students learn how to create playlists on Spotify at the beginning of the semester as an activity to share their interests and get to know their classmates, increase digital literacy, and foster self-expression.

Theater and Dance Cabaret

  • Using the Project Based Learning technique of creating and producing a show, students collaborate with each other, the teacher, and other theater and dance classes to put on a Cabaret. Critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills are used in creating a dance choreography with the teacher's guidance. Leadership, initiative, and social skills are exercised during the rehearsal and performance processes. This is done by having the students practice in small groups with and without the teacher's direct observation and creating opportunities for students to add to and refine the choreography through observation and feedback. Performing in front of their peers, as well as practicing appropriate audience protocol, also promotes these skills. Lastly, by including students in the production elements and technical set up of the show, technological literacy and productivity are incorporated into the lesson, which reinforces real-world applications.


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